Iron Fist Is Frustrating, Confusing, and Sometimes Enjoyable

Iron Fist Is Frustrating, Confusing, and Sometimes Enjoyable

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Episode 5: Under Leaf Pluck Lotus

5 Iron Fist Is Frustrating, Confusing, and Sometimes EnjoyableJoy asks: “Are we on the right side of this?” I have the same puzzled stance about most of the characters in this series. I continue to misunderstand everyone’s motivations that aren’t directly connected to what seems to be the main plot. If this is the showrunners’ objective, they’re doing one heck of a job of making me not root for any of these ambiguous characters aside from Colleen Wing. Actually, I also do enjoy Jeri Hogarth and Claire Temple (Rosario Dawson) who finally appears in this episode. The manner in which she’s introduced bothers me, though. Being the third-wheel to an accidental date between Colleen and Danny is not the role I pictured for the strong, independent supporting cast member of Daredevil and Luke Cage. Also, at what  point did Colleen go from fierce agitator to a smitten wreck around Danny?

The scene with Danny and Colleen scouting the pier is supposed to be tension driven, yet lacks the suspense Daredevil had in similar scenes. Even if it is a choice that’s a bit late in the game, I was glad to see the story take the more “superhero” turn as the events progressed. Claire Temple’s previous experience tending to the repercussions of other’s superhero outings is a nice addition. By the end of the episode, it feels like the story is finally getting somewhere. The problem is I don’t know where. I did learn I’m now afraid of Madame Gao, though.

If Danny Rand’s destiny is to defeat the Hand, why does it take long moments of concentration to get a single Iron Fist punch to work?



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