Ezra Miller On Rumor The Flash Film will ‘Erase’ the Snyderverse

Ezra Miller On Rumor The Flash Film will ‘Erase’ the Snyderverse

DCEU fans (specifically Zack Snyder fans) went mad when a rumor had come out that The Flash would be removing the events of Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Zack Snyder’s Justice League from the continuity; while everyone is still fighting over what would actually happen in the film, star Ezra Miller has responded to the rumors.

First off, here’s the report from Grace Randolph that got everyone bothered:

During a correspondence with a fan (via @FlashFilmNews), Miller had this exchange:

“No power or force in any known megaverse would or could ever erase Zack Snyder’s mighty [works]… You can take that quote. Take that to the bank.”

While the quote is pretty much what the Snyder Fans want to hear, it doesn’t really deny the rumor that the film will be revamping the main DCEU timeline. The beauty of the multiverse concept is that it canonizes every version of a character; so saying the Snyderverse will be ‘erased’ is kind of an over-simplification. I guess what fans are really fearing is that the Snyderverse continuity will no longer be officially explored—that is, if the rumor from Randolph is true.

Personally, I’m all for a Snyderverse return, and I prefer it to a reboot, but at this point, it’s kind of exhausting just to keep pushing for something that WB obviously doesn’t want. Maybe there’s a universe where they can continue the Snyderverse and alternate timelines like Joker, but it ain’t this one.

Catch The Flash when it hits theaters on Nov. 4.


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