Watch Zack Snyder Skateboarding on Man of Steel Set

Watch Zack Snyder Skateboarding on Man of Steel Set

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Back during the Man of Steel watch party, director Zack Snyder had revealed that the crew was having fun on the set by skateboarding on the Kryptonian architecture. He never mentioned it again, but just recently he posted up a video of himself boarding in “The House of El.”

Check it out:

When he mentioned that the crew was having fun with the set, I never actually thought that Snyder would be actively participating as well. I mean, everyone always has nice things to say about Snyder when it comes to the creative process, and figuring out he knows how to skateboard is just one of those things that adds to his ‘cool factor’. What’s the next big reveal, that Snyder has been performing all the stunts in his movies?

By any case, these ‘skateboard parties’ had to be shut down by Snyder’s producer (and wife) Deborah Snyder. Someone had apparently gotten seriously injured while doing a stunt, and that ended everyone’s fun. Maybe he should’ve worn a helmet?

Though it looks like Snyder is officially done with the DCEU story moving forward, HBO Max and WB are throwing him a bone when it comes to his release of Zack Snyder’s Justice League. Fans are all excited for it to come out next year, and there’s just a little hope that Snyder’s time in the DCEU may last a little longer.

No release date has been set, but catch Zack Snyder’s Justice League on HBO Max sometime early 2021.



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