Star Wars: Kelly Marie Tran Calls Rian Johnson a Genius for TLJ

Star Wars: Kelly Marie Tran Calls Rian Johnson a Genius for TLJ

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With Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker being absolutely panned by critics, there’s a new appreciation going around for The Last Jedi’s Rian Johnson. Kelly Marie Tran, who is admittedly sidelined in TROS, takes time to praise Johnson for his work.

Talking to The Hollywood Reporter, Tran was asked about what she thought of the Canto Bight sequence in TLJ which a lot of people love to complain about. She goes out to defend it, saying:

For me, that whole moment of really seeing the people who are profiting off of other people’s suffering and oppression is really relevant in the world today. Like you said, it hadn’t really been addressed, and I think it’s a really beautiful moment. Rian Johnson is a genius.

While some people like their Star Wars positive and infallible, I absolutely loved how Rian Johnson was able to challenge the franchise with the narrative of The Last Jedi. I also absolutely loved the character of Rose Tico, and while a lot of people (who I’m convinced are all morons) didn’t like her, I thought she was a necessary foil to get Finn the development he needed as a character. It’s a shame she was shunned to barely 2 minutes of screentime for TROS. I’m crossing my fingers that Disney+ make a series about her and her sister Paige growing up oppressed and joining the Resistance.

For now, you can catch Tran as Rose in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker now in theaters.


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