Launch Trailer for Spider-Man 2 Confirms One More Villain

Launch Trailer for Spider-Man 2 Confirms One More Villain

Insomniac’s Spider-Man 2 already had a packed roster of main and supporting villains, but a new one has popped up in the launch trailer for the game.

Take a look at Sandman taking on Peter Parker and Miles Morales:

A new description for the game reads:

Spider-Men, Peter Parker and Miles Morales, return for an exciting new adventure in the critically acclaimed Marvel’s Spider-Man franchise for the PS5 console. Nine months after the events of Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales, we find Miles still enlisting Peter’s help, but when the mysterious symbiote appears, Peter and Miles’ relationships are put to the test. Peter begins to change as he gains symbiote powers, and Miles, Mary Jane, Harry, and the rest of the friend group must help Peter while also facing the impending threats from a cast of new villains like Kraven, Lizard, Sandman, and Venom!

Besides the Sandman reveal, we also get a bit more of Peter Parker being affected by the symbiote. We know that it should make him more ruthless when he’s taking on villains, but it also looks like he’s going to be lashing out at everyone else on his team including Miles and MJ.

Speaking of MJ, a lot of fans think this trailer is confirmation that they’re going to be getting more MJ stealth missions; which a lot thought were the weakest part of the first game. Hopefully they managed to shake-up her side quests this time. I honestly wouldn’t mind driving around in a motorcycle trying to get away from some Kraven thugs.

Spider-Man 2 launches for the PlayStation 5 this coming Oct. 20.


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