Harry Potter: Daniel Radcliffe on Being Called ‘Ungrateful’ to J.K. Rowling for Pro-LGBTQ+ Stance

Harry Potter: Daniel Radcliffe on Being Called ‘Ungrateful’ to J.K. Rowling for Pro-LGBTQ+ Stance

If there has been a fall from grace in the recent few years, it’s definitely Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, whose ant-transgender sentiment has been condemned by other members of the Potter family like Emma Watson and Daniel Radcliffe.

With some fans branding Radcliffe as ‘ungrateful’ to Rowling despite her being the reason for his success, Radcliffe says that he doesn’t owe it to Rowling to not have his own opinion on the matter. “Jo, obviously Harry Potter would not have happened without her, so nothing in my life would have probably happened the way it is without that person,” Radcliffe tells The Atlantic, “But that doesn’t mean that you owe the things you truly believe to someone else for your entire life.”

For some time, fans of Rowling who share her stance have been calling for actors like Radcliffe to issue apologies for their stance against Rowling, and Rowling herself has commented that they were “celebs who cosied up to a movement intent on eroding women’s hard-won rights.” To which Radcliffe responded, “I will continue to support the rights of all LGBTQ people, and have no further comment than that.”

For now, Radcliffe has definitely moved on from the shadow of the boy wizard, and it can be argued that he’s had a flourishing career as compared to the rest of the main Potter trio. Rowling, on the other hand, seems to be stuck in her ‘Wizarding World’ and after the failure of Secrets of Dumbledore, everyone is wondering if its worth sticking around to see what she can bring into the franchise creatively.

For now, Radcliffe is rumored to be making an appearance in Deadpool & Wolverine, which is set to come out


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