Possible New Details of Ahsoka’s Appearance in The Mandalorian

Possible New Details of Ahsoka’s Appearance in The Mandalorian

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While the first season of The Mandalorian was very sparing with its fanservice, Jon Favreau is looking to go all out with the second season with appearances from fan favorites like Ahsoka and Boba Fett. We don’t know as to what capacity these characters will appear, but we have new details for Anakin’s former padawan.

According to Star Wars News Net, Ahsoka will be playing ‘more than a brief cameo’ in her episode of The Mandalorian Season 2. The site said we should expect Ahsoka to do some lightsaber action, and she’ll be standing down on bad guys akin to Luke in Star Wars: The Last Jedi.

As far as appearances go, Ahsoka is said to look a lot closer to her appearance in the final season of The Clone Wars rather than rebels. When it comes to her ‘head tails’ though, we should expect them to be the length they were in Rebels. Personally, I think it’s more practical to have them short if Ahsoka is going to do some action, but for the sake of continuity, I think it’s the long version we’re going to be seeing in the show.

At this point, it’s suggested that Lucasfilm wants to use Ahsoka sparingly, and her appearance in Mandalorian will serve as some kind of test run to see how an audience would receive a live-action Ahsoka series. I don’t know where that show could go, but I’m hoping we get to see something close to the Sequel Trilogy era.

For now, The Mandalorian 2 is expected to debut on Disney+ this coming October.


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