Pearl’s Mia Goth Joins the Cast of Marvel’s Blade

Pearl’s Mia Goth Joins the Cast of Marvel’s Blade

Mia Goth seemed to be fine starring in artsy horror movies like the X films and Infinity Pool, but it looks like she’s eventually decided to take a bite out of the Marvel Studios apple.

Deadline reports that Goth has joined the cast of Marvel Studios’ upcoming Blade reboot with Mahershala Ali. There have been no details of who Goth could be playing, but since Blade is about a vampire who take son other vampires and creatures of the night, I think it’s safe to guess that Goth could be playing the main antagonist.

Fans speculate that Blade could be going up against Lilith, the Mother of Demons. Lilith had recently appeared as the main villain for the game Marvel’s Midnight Suns, so it’s possible that they could be using the hype from that game to introduce Lilith to the big screen.

If Goth is good at something, it’s definitely playing the role of an unhinged young woman, but I can imagine Marvel would want to tone it down for Blade, especially since they are still a Disney company. We don’t know what the story for Blade is yet, but it has been said that the film has had a hard time trying to get off the ground. Hopefully director Yann Demange is up for the challenge, and Ali would deliver a whole new take on the Daywalker that doesn’t have everyone looking for Wesley Snipes.

Blade is currently set to hit theaters on Sept. 6, 2024.


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