Nicholas Hoult Screen Tested for The Batman and Top Gun: Maverick

Nicholas Hoult Screen Tested for The Batman and Top Gun: Maverick

Nicholas Hoult may be working for a “Bat Man” in Renfield, but he was almost Batman in Matt Reeves recent reimagining of The Dark Knight starring Robert Pattinson.

In a recent interview with The Guardian, Hoult reveals that he tested for Batman and Top Gun: Maverick. He explains:

“I screen-tested for Batman and didn’t get it. Screen-tested for Top Gun, didn’t get it. Then I got the call from Tom Cruise: ‘Hey, how about Mission Impossible?’ OK. Got it. Then I had to drop out because I was already attached to do some more of The Great.”

Though it’s a shame that Hoult wasn’t able to land any roles in successful films, he still has his role in The Great which I have to say is personally one of the favorites. Not only does Hoult play a loveable idiot, but the character is also full of so much layers it moves from vile to adorable in a snap.

With Hoult’s track record, I think there’s still a lot of opportunities for him to star in a big franchise. After all, he was Beast in the final X-Men movies for Fox. Whose to say he won’t land a role in a future DC film. I can see him make a fine Scarecrow for Pattinson’s Batman; how about failed actor Clayface?

Catch Hoult in The Great when it comes to Hulu on May 12. Hoult also stars in Renfield with Nicolas Cage which is now out in theaters.


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