Peacemaker Gets New Featurette From HBO Max

Peacemaker Gets New Featurette From HBO Max

Before we get to see John Cena be a ‘douche-y Captain America’ in his own Peacemaker series, we get to watch him wreak havoc in James Gunn’s hit film The Suicide Squad. A lot of his character was developed in the film, and HBO Max has dropped a new featurette giving us a look at how Cena brought him to life.

Watch the new Peacemaker featurette down here:

Though The Suicide Squad was already filled with a band of misfits, Gunn has pointed out the subtle ways that he hinted at Peacemaker’s alienation from society; like the scene in the bus where everyone opens up and it’s PM who can’t find anything to say.

We don’t know what he could be up to when it comes to the sequel (and yes, Peacemaker takes place after the events of The Suicide Squad), but I’m excited to see what else Cena has to bring to the character, especially since he was the big ‘villain’ of the film besides Starro.

Cena was absolutely hilarious as the character, and it’s his no-nonsense, separation from reality that makes him fun to watch in TSS. Even if he is kind of silly when he interacts with everyone, that doesn’t make him any less of a badass, and that’s probably the reason why Gunn thought he could carry his own series. Hopefully they manage to develop the character further in the show, and it would be great if he could get another showdown with Bloodsport or even Ratcatcher.

Peacemaker hits HBO Max sometime in January 2022. Get ready for more Peacemaker reveals when DC FanDome kicks off on Oct. 16.


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