Jared Leto to Reprise Joker for Zack Snyder’s Justice League

Jared Leto to Reprise Joker for Zack Snyder’s Justice League

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It has been said that multiple actors will come to reshoot some parts for Zack Snyder’s Justice League including Ray Fisher and Ben Affleck, but one more actor is going to be appearing in the film, and it’s the last face you would expect – Jared Leto.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, multiple sources have confirmed that Jared Leto will be reprising the role of the Joker for Zack Snyder’s Justice League. We don’t have any details about his role, but we should probably expect a small cameo.

If you recall, Jared Leto’s Clown Prince of Crime was one of the most reviled things about Suicide Squad, but ever since the announcement of ZSJL, director David Ayer has come out to admit that the theatrical cut does no justice to Leto’s actual performance, and he’s been campaigning for HBO Max to #ReleaseTheAyerCut.

Admittedly, reactions have been mixed when it comes to the announcement of Leto’s return. Some are still adamant that his version of the Joker is the worst, but others who are familiar with Ayer’s story want nothing but to give Jared Leto a second chance at the character. If he does well with this reprisal, maybe HBO Max will be willing to greenlight Ayer’s cut of Suicide Squad eventually; after all, Ayer says it’s way cheaper to complete his cut of the film than ZSJL.

We don’t know the exact state of the film now, but hopefully Zack Snyder’s Justice League will be ready to come out early 2021 on HBO Max.


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