‘It’s an Absolute F*cking Banger’: Ready or Not Sequel in the Works

‘It’s an Absolute F*cking Banger’: Ready or Not Sequel in the Works

Directing duo Radio Silence (Tyler Gillett and Matt Bettinelli-Olpin) are currently gearing up for the release of their loli vampire movie Abigail, but it looks like they already have their next project in development.

According to Entertainment Weekly, the new horror auteurs are ready to come back to one of their original horror properties—2019’s Ready or Not starring Samara Weaving.

We don’t have a n official story breakdown yet, but they do say that the story they have for the sequel is ‘an absolute f—ing banger.’ Gillett says:

“It’s getting figured out… That’s what we’ll say: Ready or Not 2 is getting figured out. What we can say is that there is a script that is an absolute f—ing banger of a sequel. And however it gets made, and in whatever capacity we are helping get it made, we are so excited that it’s happening. That movie is truly the love of our creative lives in a lot of ways.”

If you haven’t checked out Ready or Not, the movie is essentially a horror spin on the game Hide and Seek, and Samara Weaving gets married into a weird rich family which has a sick tradition of playing Hide and Seek where she hides and everyone else in the house tries to find her and literally kill her.

There’s also a “deal with the devil” element to the movie, and it’s possible that this could be the angle that Radio Silence wants to take the sequel (Kids’ game horror cinematic universe?). Of course, they could just bring back Weaving and title the sequel Ready or Not: Here I Come.

If anything, the first movie was a pretty solid standalone, but if Radio Silence feels very passionately about the project, I’m willing to see what they’ve got. In the meantime, you should check out Abigail which comes to theaters April 19.


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