He-Man Actor Gives Inside Look at Netflix’s Masters of the Universe: Revelation

He-Man Actor Gives Inside Look at Netflix’s Masters of the Universe: Revelation

Kevin Smith’s He-Man reboot/sequel is set to premiere on Netflix by the end of the week, and a lot of fans are excited for the return to Eternia. Now we have a new inside look at the series hosted by He-Man actor Chris Wood.

Check out the video the He-Man reboot down here: 

Wood confirms the timeline of Revelation which takes place right after the events of the original cartoon. We also get some basic background on He-Man himself, what his powers are, who his allies are in the fight against Skeletor.

While this hasn’t been confirmed, the trailer does hint that we won’t be seeing much of He-Man in the actual series. With the Sword of Power broken, Prince Adam won’t be able to transform into He-Man, and it’s possible that the show could be exploring Adam as he tries to find a way to be useful to Eternia without his powers. Some also guess that this is the reason why “He-Man” was dropped from the title.

Again, this is just speculation, but I expect the series to shake things up a bit when it comes to the story. Sure the animation and updated designs are great, but without a great story, what’s the point in returning to Eternia at all?

Though Kevin Smith can get kind of corny at times, I’m excited to see what he has to bring to the table with Revelation. I just have one small hope that we get some of that classic quickfire dialogue that we got from Clerks or Mall Rats.

Catch the first half of Masters of the Universe: Revelation when it premieres on Netflix on July 23.


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