David Ayer: Jared Leto was ‘Mistreated’ with Theatrical Cut of Suicide Squad

David Ayer: Jared Leto was ‘Mistreated’ with Theatrical Cut of Suicide Squad

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One of the biggest complaints about Suicide Squad was Jared Leto’s take on the Joker, but director David Ayer insists that Leto had done a great performance in his original version of the film. With Ayer currently campaigning to get HBO Max to release his cut of the movie, he reveals more about Leto’s take on the Clown Prince of Crime.

When the ReleaseTheAyerCut page shared that Jared Leto had liked on of their posts, Ayer responded with:

We don’t know exactly what Joker would have been like in Ayer’s original vision, but it’s said that they would have emphasized the toxic relationship between him and Harley Quinn, and he was supposed to make one more appearance during the finale, goading Harley to join him and leave the Squad.

Seeing that Ayer’s film was one of the first to be affected by WB’s meddling with the DCEU, it would make sense that the fans would want him to release his original vision for the movie as well. Respecting creative vision is at the very root of the Snyder Cut movement, and fans believe that Ayer deserves the opportunity as well.

If anything, Ayer is making it really clear that it would be very easy to finish his cut of Suicide Squad. We don’t know how much it will cost, but HBO Max should jump on it what with all the fans backing the release. And probably the biggest bonus of releasing the Ayer Cut—no one will be asking any more Release the ­­­­­­­_____ Cuts moving forward.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League is set to hit HBO Max sometime in 2021.


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