Cowboy Bebop Writer Says Fans are Missing Out on Season 2

Cowboy Bebop Writer Says Fans are Missing Out on Season 2

Netflix was building so much hype around the release of their live-action Cowboy Bebop, but just a couple of weeks after it premiered, it was announced that the show was cancelled after one season. Though we have no idea where the series was going to lead, show writer Naomi Markman says that fans would be “missing out” of what was to come.

Here’s her post:

And since this is Twitter, Markman eventually ended up muting the tweet. While it’s tough enough to get your piece of work cancelled, it must be infuriating to be bombarded by strangers online about how much they didn’t like what you made.

Though Cowboy Bebop ultimately tried its best to match the anime, there are just some elements that didn’t translate properly when it came to live-action. Ed may be cute and quirky when it came to the original animated show, but it was just met with painful cringe as the last scene of the series:

For now, there is actually a petition to keep the show going, and it’s managed to gather more than 50,000 signatures; so while the critics didn’t like the series, there was definitely a chunk of the audience that liked this live-action Bebop. While I personally wasn’t a fan of how the series went, I’m not going to stop people who actually like the show from trying to get another season made. Heck, maybe they can shoot for a spinoff movie instead?

Catch the only season of the live-action Cowboy Bebop on Netflix.


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