Chloe Zhao Reveals the Darker Original Ending of Eternals

Chloe Zhao Reveals the Darker Original Ending of Eternals

With Marvel movies being deemed as formulaic by critics, director Chloe Zhao had went another direction with her movie, Eternals. While the movie felt different from the usual Marvel fare, it was supposed to have a bleaker, darker ending.

Talking to Empire, Zhao reveals that the film would have ended with all the Eternals just having their memories erased again. She explains:

“It used to end with everybody back on the ship, minds erased and just going on to another planet, like The Twilight Zone… I remember when it goes to black, everyone was like, ‘I don’t know what to do.’ 

Since the MCU is expected to get people ‘excited for what’s next,’ Zhao then opted to change the plot to something more optimistic. Even if that was the case, she says that her movies never end up the way she started them out to be. Zhao further explains, I have never made a film where the ending is what I wrote! You find it in the edit. Editing is a third of the filmmaking process, and when you show it to people, that’s when you find the ending.”

We don’t know what’s in store for the Eternals in the future, but the introduction of Celestials does give the MCU another big bad that the Earth has to look out for. Also, we get a tease of Kit Harington’s Black Knight actually coming to screen soon, and it could be with Mahershala Ali’s version of Blade.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

Eternals is set to hit Disney+ on Jan. 12, 2022.



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