Baymax Returns in Trailer for His Own Disney+ Series

Baymax Returns in Trailer for His Own Disney+ Series

Though every other Marvel property has been getting the greenlight, we have yet to get an update on Walt Disney Animation’s Big Hero 6. We don’t have any news of a sequel, but we do have a trailer for Baymax!, a series focused on everyone’s favorite robot healthcare companion.

Watch the trailer for Baymax! down here: 

While Baymax! is described as a series, the quality is very consistent with the film. That being said, it’s very possible that the show’s episodes won’t run for a half-hour like a usual series. With that quality of animation, it’s likely each episode will only be for a 5-10 mins.

Besides the return of Baymax, we should probably expect some other side characters from Big Hero 6 to show up. We know that the internet-famous Aunt Cass is going to show up, but so far we haven’t seen any clips of Hiro or anyone else from the team.

If anything, the show looks fun, and Baymax as a character is always a delight to watch. While the movie had focused on Baymax’s ability to be a superhero, I’m up for just watching him go around and try to help the community, either by doing some actual health care or just doing random tasks around town. Hopefully Walt Disney Animation didn’t blow all the good jokes in the series on this one trailer.

Baymax! Is set to hit Disney+ sometime in the summer of 2022.


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