Mary Elizabeth Winstead on Her Fans’ Favorite Ramona Flowers Quote

Mary Elizabeth Winstead on Her Fans’ Favorite Ramona Flowers Quote

Mary Elizabeth Winstead won the hearts of young millennials back in 2010 when she played Ramona Flowers in Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and she reprised the role for Netflix’s new anime Scott Pilgrim Takes Off.

Since Scott Pilgrim has become a cult classic, Winstead shares the quote that a lot of her fans love from her character and ask her to write down whenever she does autographs. Talking to Coming Soon with Pilgrim co-star Ellen Wong, Winstead shared that a line that’s often repeated to her is “Bread makes you fat,” Winstead shares:

“I think that’s the main thing. If I have to sign a quote or someone wants something signed from Ramona, the quote is usually “bread makes you fat.””

For context, that’s a line Ramona says to Scott while they’re on a date in his apartment, eating garlic bread:

What really makes the scene is Scott’s reaction to the information, repeating the “bread makes you fat?!” line like he’s learning about carbs for the first time.

As for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, the series has been receiving some sparkling reviews, and a lot of fans have been celebrating the unexpected twist to the Scott Pilgrim formula. Though it does look like everything in the series is well-contained, there is still some hope that fans could see some more of Scott and Ramona, as well as all the kooky characters from Bryan Lee O’Malley’s fictional Toronto.

Catch Scott Pilgrim Takes Off now streaming on Netflix.


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