Westworld 4 Set Photos Reveal Return of Evan Rachel Wood

Westworld 4 Set Photos Reveal Return of Evan Rachel Wood

The last season of Westworld had Dolores Abernathy (Evan Rachel Wood) getting ‘deleted’ but since this is a world full of robots and duplicates, it was probably expected that she would return for the next season. That being said, some set photos from Westworld 4 have leaked online, and they feature Wood clad in her Dolores gear, except now her hair is brown.

Check it out:


Though the show had started with characters trapped in the Westworld park, the third season now has the hosts interacting with the human world, and Dolores becomes an integral part in the ‘freedom’ of humanity from the algorithm Rehoboam. We don’t know how she could return, but as I said, this world is full of copy-paste robots and prograns; what are the odds that this version of Dolores is some kind of copy, maybe she’s not even Dolores and another consciousness in her body.

Besides Dolores, the show has raised some questions for other characters in the show. We get to watch William get his throat cut by a copy of himself, and we also get to see Bernard entering the Sublime—waking up in what looks to be years into the future. We don’t know what the result of humanity’s freedom is going to be, but with a show like Westworld, it’s probably not going to be pretty. Then again, maybe showrunners Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy would like to delve into a more positive note moving forward.

No release date has been set for Westworld 4, but you can catch the first three seasons on HBO Max now.


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