Vince Gilligan: ‘There are Stories Left to Tell’ in the World of Breaking Bad

Vince Gilligan: ‘There are Stories Left to Tell’ in the World of Breaking Bad

Nobody thought Better Call Saul was going to live up to Breaking Bad, but the series managed to pass with flying colors. BCS is now gearing up for the final season, and even though it’s another end to the crime world of Albuquerque, co-creator Vince Gilligan is optimistic there could be a return down the line.

Talking to Deadline, Gilligan and Better Call Saul co-creator Peter Gould were asked about another Breaking Bad spinoff after Saul, to which Gould replied, “I love these characters, I love this world… Maybe someday, but personally I’m going to take a little break from that world and try something else, just to prove that I can.”

Gilligan followed up with, “I think that’s my answer too… There are stories left to tell, but it’s not proving something to the world, it’s about proving something to yourself. That thing I’m working on, hopefully someone will want to buy it, someone will want to make it.”

We don’t know which character the series could choose to spinoff, but there are several colourful choices from both BCS and BB. Admittedly, there isn’t a character is as colourful as Saul, but if BCS can make a character study as impressive as Jimmy McGill’s, then maybe they can do it with some other criminal from ABQ. What about a series following Mike’s grandaughter who wants to know what happened to her Pop-pop? I’d follow a show with Mark Proksch’s nerdy drug dealer.

Catch the final season of Better Call Saul when it premieres on AMC this April 18.


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