The Flash Movie Rumored to ‘Erase’ Zack Snyder’s Movies from the DCEU

The Flash Movie Rumored to ‘Erase’ Zack Snyder’s Movies from the DCEU

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There’s been a recent trend in box office franchises lately where they use a time travel film to reset the timeline of a franchise and ‘erase’ the events of past films. This was pretty much made poular by X-Men: Days of Future Past, but it looks like the DCEU could be doing the same with the upcoming Flash movie.

According to Fandomwire, WB is looking to use the Flashpoint storyline to have Barry Allen rest the timeline so that the events of Zack Snyder’s entries like Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Justice League never happened at all. Here’s what they wrote:

While the Justice League is mentioned by name in the script, no other heroes are featured. And when Barry comes back through time, the Man of Steel, Batman v Superman, and Justice League movies will be gone. Wonder Woman and Aquaman will remain cast as is, but Robert Pattinson’s The Batman will be one of a few new characters incorporated into this new resetted timeline.

We don’t know if any of this is true yet, so it’s best that we take this with a grain of salt. Then again, the move doesn’t seem so farfetched, as WB has been stumbling with the DC property ever since Batman v Superman got a divisive reaction from audiences.

Personally, I would prefer if they just use The Flash to introduce a multiverse to the DCEU. This way, nothing gets discarded in the canon, and the world can introduce several other past properties to become legitimately connected to the DCEU. Besides, this helps open the door to more spinoff projects like Joker, and we all know how successful that movie turned out.

For now, all we can really do is wait and see what happens to The Flash. After all these delays, the movie was already set to start production, and then COVID-19 happened. Fingers crossed productions can start again come June.

The Flash is set to come out July 1, 2022.


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