Solo A Star Wars Story: Donald Glover Teases Lando for Having a Weird Sense of Style

Solo A Star Wars Story: Donald Glover Teases Lando for Having a Weird Sense of Style

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Probably one of the most inspired casting choices in Solo: A Star Wars Story is Donald Glover playing Lando Calrissian, and Glover gives some insight on how Lando here will be different from when we meet him in The Empire Strikes Back.

Talking to The Star Wars Show, Glover explains how Lando is still particularly young in this movie, especially in the sense of how he dresses himself:

“I like seeing Han and Lando beforehand because it allows you to just know, ‘yeah, people aren’t perfect.’ People have to grow, especially when Lando’s clothing and hairstyle, facial hairstyle choices, you can tell that he’s not quite there. “

You know, like in senior year in high school, early college where you’re like, ‘I can buy my own clothes, but I don’t have a lot of money and I’m trying to figure out what works for me and my body.”

Of course, what is Lando without his signature cape? Glover teases that he could actually be seeing Lando wear a lot of silly capes in the film. He says:

“You can tell he invested like probably by the time we see him in Empire Strikes Back, he’s pulled back on capes.”

For years Star Wars fans have thought that Lando’s cape in Empire Strikes Back was already kind of a ridiculously corny choice for Lando’s outfit. Just imagine what he would be wearing in this film that Glover would say that the cape in ESB is the tame version of Lando’s look.

Personally, I hope that Lucasfilm keeps Lando’s outfits a surprise until the movie comes out. My mind is just racing, thinking of what kind of silly costumes Lando could be wearing.

Catch the old smoothie in his prime in Solo: A Star Wars Story which comes out May 25.



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