Seth Rogen Reveals Animated TMNT Release Date

Seth Rogen Reveals Animated TMNT Release Date

Though it looked like Michael Bay had launched a new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise back in 2014, the release of the sequel Out of the Shadows had effectively killed any chances of any more entries. With Seth Rogen set to reboot the TMNT again with his company Point Grey Pictures, we now have a release date for the next Turtles film.

Rogen posted this on Twitter with the caption following, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles… Aug 11 2023 (Leo takes notes like I used to)”:

Though Leonardo is portrayed as the leader of the group most of the time, it looks like this reboot’s take will really lean in on his ‘teenager’ side, complete with high-school-esque note-taking.

In the note, we have Leo possibly researching the ‘ooze’ that led to his (and his brothers’) mutation, and we also have some nods to the Turtles’ human friend April O’Neil. We also have some kind of clue with the Turtrles’ dynamic, as Leo jots down that he still has no idea what Donnie is good at (with Mikey good with drama, and Raph good at Math).

Of course, no teenage boy’s notebook is complete without a drawing of a sword surrounded by burning words Honor and Loyalty.

Though TMNT is an old franchise, it surely is interesting to see how it manages to have a multi-generational appeal; that’s why the cartoons get rebooted once every few years—so that kids can always have a version of the Turtles that is theirs. Let’s hope that Rogen and his team will just be focused on bringing some fun Turtle Action to a new generation of kids rather than focus on pandering to an old fanbase that has a tendency to take things way too seriously.

…at least that’s my opinion.

Catch Rogen’s animated TMNT which is set to come out on Aug. 11, 2023.


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