Jack Black Confirms School of Rock 20th Anniversary Reunion

Jack Black Confirms School of Rock 20th Anniversary Reunion

Jack Black is pretty much a legend, and people love him in all kinds of roles throughout his career. Of course, one of his most iconic characters remains to be Dewey Finn from School of Rock which came out back in 2003. With the movie nearing its 20-year Anniversary, Black confirms that he is going to a reunion with the original kids from the films.

Talking to Entertainment Tonight, Black says:

“All those kids — dig this — they were 10 years old when we made that movie and now they’re all, like, 30… We’re gonna get together and have a 20-year anniversary. We like to jam. I’m looking forward to seeing all of the grownups from School of Rock.”

We’re not really expecting the reunion to be a televised event, but Black did say he was going to post videos and pics on social media.

Though it is going to be great to see how everyone from the cast has grown, one member who won’t be coming back is Kevin Clark, who played the band’s drummer Freddy. Back in 2021, Clark was struck and killed by a vehicle while he was riding on bicycle in Chicago. He did make it to the 2013 reunion though, where Black and the former child actors all jammed together and played songs from the film.

We don’t expect Black to release any details about the reunion since it sounds like a personal event, but it would be great if they could get director Richard Linklater to make some kind of update on the character of Dewey Finn and the kids he taught to rock.

We don’t know what date the School of Rock reunion is going to take place, but the movie did come out in September back in ’03, so maybe we could get it sometime later in the year.


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