GOTG Vol. 2 Kurt Russell Allegedly Being Eyed for Superman: Legacy

GOTG Vol. 2 Kurt Russell Allegedly Being Eyed for Superman: Legacy

James Gunn’s Superman: Legacy has already found its main stars, but everyone is still wondering who is going to be cast to fill out Superman’s corner of the DCU.

The film is still in pre-production, but a Reddit leak has come out claiming that they have seen concept art for the movie, and that the film is currently eyeing Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2’s villain Kurt Russell to play the part of Superman’s father, Jor-El; what’s more, Jor-El is being described to be huge—at least 7 ft. in height.

Though we should take this with a grain of salt, having Russell in the film doesn’t seem entirely impossible. After all, the part has been played before by very high-profile actors like Marlon Brando and Russell Crowe; a talent like Russell feels like a solid choice for the part. Besides, Gunn is no stranger to the idea of collaborating repeatedly with his friends; just ask Michael Rooker or Nathan Fillion.

Besides the concept art showcasing Russell as Jor-El, his costume is being described as sort of a mix between armor and fabric, with the armor bits being like a baby blue and the fabric being a crystal-y white. He has a blue House of El crest on his chest which glows, kind of like an LED.”

For now, it’s unclear just how Gunn will be approaching his new take on Superman, but with Guardians being an ode to misfits, I wonder how Gunn is going to tackle the story of an alien who is supposed to be the ‘ideal’ that humans were meant to strive for.

I guess we’ll just have to wait and see.

Superman: Legacy is set to release in theaters on July 11, 2025.


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