How to Train Your Dragon Live-Action Marks First Week of Production

How to Train Your Dragon Live-Action Marks First Week of Production

The animated How to Train Your Dragon trilogy had debuted back in 2010 and ended in 2019 with The Hidden World, and now the franchise is deciding to go the Disney route with a live-action movie. The film is currently in production, and director Dean DeBlois has shared an update after the first week of shooting.

This was his post on IG:


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A post shared by Dean DeBlois (@dean.deblois)

So far, only four cast members have been revealed; Gerard Butler will be reprising his role as Stoick the Vast in live-action and the movie has also cast Nick Frost to play Stoick’s friend and Hiccup’s trainer as Gobber. As for the lead roles of Hiccup and Astrid, the film has cast Mason Thames (The Black Phone) and Nico Parker (Dumbo, The Last of Us).

It’s worth noting that DeBlois was also the original director behind the animated films; so fans can be assured that the live-action iteration is going to be in good hands. Then again, Dave Filoni has been praised for his work in animation, but I still think he’s the weakest director when it comes to the Disney+ Star Wars shows which are live-action.

With production just having recently started, it could be a while before we get our first look at the live-action How to Train Your Dragon. I’m just excited to know what kind of approach they have for the creature design, because they look fine for animation, but could be a bit silly for live-action.

We’ll just have to wait and see.

The live-action How to Train Your Dragon is expected to come out June 13, 2025.


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