Has the Official Title for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2 Leaked?

Has the Official Title for Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse 2 Leaked?

The comic book genre has been dominating in the live-action box office, but we were able to get an interesting animated entry with Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. The sequel is set to come out next year, and though we haven’t gotten any official updates yet, we may have gotten a title leak.

As per The Cosmic Circus, they were able to spot a LinkedIn listing of a CFX supervisor that revealed that the title of the sequel would be Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. CBR reports that after the title leak, the LinkedIn profile in question had become inaccessible to the public, which could mean that the leak was correct. Until we get an official reveal, all we can really do is wait.

I’ll admit, Across the Spider-Verse sounds like a pretty bland title, but it does seem like the natural progression of the story for Miles Morales. With all different versions of Spider-Man coming to his universe, a sequel where Miles is doing the multiverse-hopping might be the next step for the franchise. It was teased with Spider-Man 2099 in the post-credits scene. What are the odds that future-Spidey would want to share that tech with all the other Spider-Men?

Though the DCEU and Marvel Studios are set to explore the multi-verse concepts with The Flash and Spider-Man: No Way Home; a lot of fans won’t forget that it was Into the Spider-Verse that actually had the guts to have a story centered on multiple versions of one character. Let’s just hope they manage to make the plot just an engaging and meaningful as the first film.

Catch the sequel to Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse when it comes out Oct. 7, 2022.


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