Get Behind-the-Scenes Look at Loki Season 2 in New Featurette

Get Behind-the-Scenes Look at Loki Season 2 in New Featurette

Marvel Studios may not have been able to live up to the hype with the Secret Invasion series, but fans are looking forward to the return of one of the better-reviewed Disney+ shows, Loki.

Loki Season 2 is set to come back to streaming this October, and we have a new behind-the-scenes featurette giving us a look at Tom Hiddleston, Sophia DiMartino, and the rest of the cast as they bring back the TVA and tackle the emerging threat of Kang the Conqueror. Watch this:

We don’t exactly know what to expect this upcoming season, but the end of the first season had revealed that He Who Remains—a Kang variant—has been pruning divergent timelines and placing any outliers into the end of time or the service of the TVA.

With Sylvie killing HWR, the timelines had begun to split, and the threat of Kang had started to emerge with a statue of him presiding over the TVA when Loki returns.

Since it does seem that Kang is now fully present in the TVA by the end of the season, it’s unclear why Mobius would still be unsure of the Kang variant when Loki and Mobius spot him during the Quantumania end-credit scene. It’s still unclear exactly what kind of ramifications Sylvie’s actions had, but it’s going to be great to see the cast come together again.

Let’s hope no further Jonathan Majors allegations come out around this time as well.

Loki 2 premieres on Oct. 5 on Disney+.


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