Donald Glover: How Can Lando Calrissian NOT Be Pansexual?

Donald Glover: How Can Lando Calrissian NOT Be Pansexual?

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Solo: A Star Wars Story co-writer just revealed that Lando Calrissian is a pansexual (meaning he can be attracted to anything). After the news, the fanbase went crazy over what this could mean for the character.  Now, Donald Glover explains why he thinks it’s obvious that Lando would go for any man, woman, or species.

Talking to Entertainment Weekly, Glover explains:

“How can you not be pansexual in space?… There are so many things to have sex with. I didn’t think that was that weird. Yeah, he’s coming on to everybody. I mean, yeah, whatever. It just didn’t seem that weird to me ‘cause I feel like if you’re in space it’s kind of like, the door is open! It’s like, no, only guys or girls. No, it’s anything. This thing is literally a blob. Are you a man or a woman? Like, who cares? Have good time out here.”

The reveal that Lando is pansexual could mean a lot of things for the character, considering that L3 even asks him if he’s “done flirting” with Han in the teasers. Then again, the Star Wars galaxy is so huge and diverse, that it would make sense for someone like Lando to want to bang anything that moves.

Though Kasdan does reveal that about Lando’s sexuality, I don’t think it’s going to be that obvious in the movie. At best, I think Lando will run into some really weird looking aliens that even Han would think is attractive according to the SW universe’s standard.

Catch Glover in Solo: A Star Wars Story out in May 25.


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