Curb Your Enthusiasm Announces Final Season

Curb Your Enthusiasm Announces Final Season

Larry David may have been a behind-the-scenes talent when Seinfeld was at the height of its popularity, but he found himself in the sitcom spotlight when he starred as parody of himself in Curb Your Enthusiasm.

The show had come out back in 2000 and has been on a kind of on-and-off relationship with its audience, but according to Variety, it’s 12th season is going to be its last. Larry David said in a statement:

“As ‘Curb’ comes to an end, I will now have the opportunity to finally shed this ‘Larry David’ persona and become the person God intended me to be – the thoughtful, kind, caring, considerate human being I was until I got derailed by portraying this malignant character… And so ‘Larry David,’ I bid you farewell. Your misanthropy will not be missed. And for those of you who would like to get in touch with me, you can reach me at Doctors Without Borders.”

Curb Your Enthusiasm followed the life and constant misadventures of the fictionalized version of Larry David, who was a self-described misanthrope who questioned all kinds of social conventions and always found himself in predicaments with various people.

Curb Your Enthusiasm Key Art 1 Curb Your Enthusiasm Announces Final Season

The show has managed to be nominated for several Emmys, despite not having a script for every episode. Rather, the story of the episode would be planned out, and all the actors and guest actors would just have to improvise the entire performance.

The series didn’t really come out every year, but had a deal with HBO that they would come back whenever David and his team were “ready”—resulting in 12 seasons in 24 years.

It’s surely sad to see the show finally close its doors—especially since each season was said to be treated like the last, but I would be eager to see what David has planned next after this show.

The final season of Curb Your Enthusiasm premieres on Max on Feb. 4, 2024.


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