Original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Return with First Look at 30th Anniversary Netflix Special

Original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Return with First Look at 30th Anniversary Netflix Special

The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers launched in the US back in the 90s, and with the franchise celebrating 30 years, Netflix has dropped a first look at the special featuring some returning actors from the original show.

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According to EW, the special is said to have the Rangers come “face to face with a familiar threat from the past. In the midst of a global crisis, they are called on once again to be the heroes the world needs. Inspired by the legendary mantra from the franchise ‘Once a Ranger, Always a Ranger,’ Once & Always reminds everyone when you become a Ranger, you are always a part of the Ranger family and always welcome.”

So far, the original Rangers coming back to the series are David Yost and Walter Emanuel Jones, the original Blue and Black Rangers. The returning Pink Ranger is Catherine Sutherland who was the second actress to take on the mantle, and Johnny Yong Bosch who was the second Red Ranger.

Though the special is focusing on bringing in old characters, we are getting a new face in the form of Minh, the daughter of the original Yellow Rager Trini; Thuy Trang, who played Trini, tragically died back in 2001 in a car accident.

With the special celebrating the first iteration of the Power Rangers that came to the US, there is a lot of hype surrounding the returning cast members. I just hope they have a tribute for Green Ranger Jason David Frank who died by suicide last year.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Once & Always comes to Netflix on April 19.


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