Ramona is the Main Focus in Final Trailer for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

Ramona is the Main Focus in Final Trailer for Scott Pilgrim Takes Off

Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim is set to come back  in the form of an animated series, and a lot of fans are excited to see a more faithful take on the original source material.

The series is set to premiere this week, and we have a final trailer spotlighting the girl of Scott’s dreams, Ramona Flowers (voiced by Mary Elizabeth Winstead). Watch this:

Besides Winstead, the show was also able to bring back all the cast members from the original adaptation from Edgar Wright. Michael Cera, Allison Pill, Anna Kendrick, and Aubrey Plaza all came back to reprise their characters; they even managed to bring back A-list stars like Chris Evans and Brie Larson.

Though the film is a cult favorite, fans of the comic know that a lot of the arcs had to be compressed to have Scott strategically take on each evil ex in a shorter amount of time. The comic pretty much plays out like an anime, where each villain got to hang around for a few chapters; and the ending with Gideon is even more bombastic than the fight we got in the film.

Hopefully Science Saru doesn’t disappoint with their take on O’Malley’s fictional Toronto.

Scott Pilgrim meets the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers, but learns he must defeat her seven evil exes in order to date her. Then things get even more complicated. Based on the graphic novels by Bryan Lee O’Malley.

Scott Pilgrim Takes Off on Netflix this coming Nov. 17.


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