Expect the Unexpected in New Featurette for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

Expect the Unexpected in New Featurette for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man

Spider-Man has been in a very tricky position between Marvel Studios and Sony, but it looks like Sony has finally allowed Marvel Animation to take a stab at their own original take on Peter Parker.

Just in, we have a new featurette for Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, and it kind of fleshes out the world more and how it’s different from the MCU. Check this out:

It has been confirmed before that this universe doesn’t take place in the MCU timeline, and instead of Tony Stark, Peter is instead mentored by Norman Osborn; but like the featurette suggests, some things in the MCU still happened, like the airport battle at Civil War.

It is worth noting that Iron Man still exists in this world, so maybe he could show up in some capacity, but don’t expect him to be Peter’s mentor like he was in the movies.

Personally, I love how they tried to embrace the aesthetics of the 60s Steve Ditko Spider-Man era while at the same time bringing him to the modern world of smartphones and social media. I also love that there are a lot of original takes on characters, which should be the norm when it comes to every new reimagining.

I’ll admit, there’s a lot of negativity on YFN Spider-Man online already, but I just hope that it manages to connect to the core audience which is the kids. It does look like a big swing from Marvel Animation, and I prefer the big risks over the overly safe nostalgia bait.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man is set to release on Disney+ on Jan. 29.


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