Toph Officially Cast for Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender

Toph Officially Cast for Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender

Though it wasn’t perfect, Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender was considered to be a huge hit, and the second season is officially underway. With Aang now in need of an Earthbending teacher, Netflix has officially announced someone to play the Blind Bandit Toph Beifong.

As per the official announcement Miya Cech has been cast as Toph for the live-action ATLA series. Here’s the post:

There hasn’t been any reveal of Cech in costume, but seeing as how the series has managed to bring the original costumes from the show into live-action, they would probably stick very close to Toph’s animated look.

With Aang learning Earthbending being one of the central goals of Book 2, Toph joins the team as Aang’s Earthbending master. Though teachers like Katara are more warm and understanding of Aang, Toph is different in that she’s a bit of a rough-and-tumble rebel,  and she has no qualms about being rude or messy.

When the gang actually meets her, she’s a secret fighter in the Earthbending equivalent of pro-wrestling. Check this out:

As it stands, Toph is a fan-favorite, and she becomes a permanent member of the gang once she’s introduced. We don’t know if they plan to tweak her character for the series, but she’s pretty well-realized in the show.

I just hope they find out something to do with Aang’s character, because his fun-loving goofy side has been thrown out the window in the first season just to have him be broody and guilty over letting everyone down as the Avatar. Let the kid have fun, Netflix!

No release date has been set for the second season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but you can watch the first book on Netflix now.


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