A Former Hitman Becomes an Old Shopkeeper (That Still Kicks Ass) in Teaser for Sakamoto Days

A Former Hitman Becomes an Old Shopkeeper (That Still Kicks Ass) in Teaser for Sakamoto Days

Anime has always had fun with putting fantastical, exaggerated characters in mundane places. They did it with The Way of the Househusband, and now they’re doing it again with Sakamoto Days.

The anime is set to release on Netflix in January, and fans have a new teaser. Check this out:

Here’s the official logline:

SAKAMOTO DAYS follows legendary ex-hitman Taro Sakamoto as he bands with comrades to face off against the looming thread of assassins to ensure a peaceful life with his beloved family.

The manga comes from author Yuto Suzuki and had premiered on the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine back in 2020. The manga is actually still ongoing, and the series has managed to accumulate to 17 volumes as of 2024.

Slam Dunk fans will immediately recognize the older Sakamoto as visually similar to the Coach Anzai character; and just like Anzai, Sakamoto was considered to be the fiercest character way back in his youth before he got a bit more plump and old.

The series also comes from TMS Entertainment, the same studio that deals with adaptations for Baki, Dr. Stone, and Megalo Box.

The premise of an assassin that gets old and runs a store sounds like a premise that you would expect out of a manga. Though popular series like My Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen have your typical young protagonists, it’s always fun to see an action-comedy series with an unlikely lead.

Watch out for Sakamoto Days when it premieres on Netflix on January 2025.


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