Ryan Reynolds Shares New Images of Dogpool

Ryan Reynolds Shares New Images of Dogpool

Deadpool and Wolverine may have had the relationship between Wade and Logan at the center, but the movie still managed to have the spotlight on several side characters. We already got multiple reveals for characters like Gambit, Blade, and Elektra, but Ryan Reynolds has shared a new photo of a particularly special Deadpool variant—Dogpool.

Check these new Dogpool photos out:

Admittedly Dogpool doesn’t really do anything active in the story, but she does make for a lot of great comic relief; particularly with Reynolds who doesn’t seem to mind having the dog continuously frenching him in the movie. It’s also Deadpool’s infatuation with Dogpool that is at the very core of his hate for “Nicepool” and once the film got rid of him, Dogpool was then free to stay with Deadpool Prime.

For now, it’s unclear what Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios wants to do with Deadpool. After all the hype surrounding the Wolverine team-up, it does seem that Reynolds and the crew are just resting on their laurels for now before they think of what to do next.

If anything, fans are sure that Deadpool and Wolverine are going to have something to do with Avengers: Secret Wars, then after that, Marvel would be ready to reboot the X-Men and introduce a whole new team.

I mean, I know there are a lot of people who love Hugh Jackman as Logan, but there’s just no way the character can keep going if they just keep sticking to him for the next few years. Even the Robert Downey Jr. announcement rubbed a lot of fans the wrong way.

Catch Deadpool and Wolverine now showing in theatres.


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