5 Most Hilarious (And 5 Most Profound) Moments on Rick and Morty

5 Most Hilarious (And 5 Most Profound) Moments on Rick and Morty

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Hilarious: Rick’s Catchphrases

“Total Rickall” succeeded where all other TV shows have failed: it made a clip show interesting. There are plenty of great moments to choose from in this episode, but perhaps the best is the compilation of all of Rick’s catchphrases. “Wubba lubba dub dub” may be the only one he says on a regular basis, but thanks to this moment, I regularly say “Graaaaaaass tastes bad” at least once a week. (It comes up more often than you would think).

Profound: Existence is Pain for a Meeseeks

Mr. Meeseeks is one of the greatest one-off characters ever made. The Meeseeks philosophy offers an interesting contrast to the standard viewpoint of the rest of the show.

“Meeseeks are not born into this world fumbling for meaning, Jerry. We are created to serve a singular purpose for which we will go to any lengths to fulfill. Existence is pain for a Meeseeks, Jerry. And we will do anything to alleviate that pain.”

In a show that regularly questions what humanity’s purpose and role in the universe is, this moment offers a contrast by showing a being that knows exactly what it’s supposed to do. Meeseeks do not spend their lives writing philosophy and pondering the meaning of life. They simply want to take a couple swings off your golf game.

Next: You Can Always Run Away From Your Problems


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Mike Bedard is a features writer at GeekFeed. He has written for Cracked, Robot Butt, and Top Story! Weekly. He has also written several short films.
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