Ocean’s 14 Taps The Fall Guy’s David Leitch to Direct

Ocean’s 14 Taps The Fall Guy’s David Leitch to Direct

The Ocean’s franchise starring George Clooney essentially ended with the third movie, but there was an attempt to revamp in back in 2018 with Ocean’s 8. Unfortunately, the franchise didn’t take off and went dormant again, but it looks like Hollywood is ready to bring it all back.

According to Deadline, David Leitch (The Fall Guy) is currently in talks to direct Ocean’s 14. The goal is to bring back most of the original cast of the Steven Soderbergh movies, but since some of those actors have died, it’s very likely that Danny Ocean is just going to gather a new crew of 14 people.

When it comes to the Ocean’s movies, all the fans really need to know is that they pretty much established the modern heist movie. Danny Ocean plans an elaborate heist, and spends the runtime gathering people for his crew, and audiences watch as they meticulously pull it off.

Rick and Morty also makes fun of this genre by pointing out that the heist films always make it look like something goes wrong, but it turns out to be part of the elaborate plan all along. Here’s the episode’s version of the montage where they start recruiting people for the crew (“You son of a bitch, I’m in.”)

Admittedly, only the first Ocean’s movie really gets praise, and Ocean’s 12, 13, and 8 have never really managed to hold a candle to it. If you want, 2017’s Logan Lucky was directed by Soderbergh and also featured an elaborate heist, and it can be considered the spiritual sequel to the Ocean’s films—at least, that’s what it is to me.

No release date has been set for Ocean’s 14.


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