Mortal Kombat 1 Introduces the Pink Palette Swap Ninja: Floyd

Mortal Kombat 1 Introduces the Pink Palette Swap Ninja: Floyd

Palette Swap Ninjas have been one of the tenets of the Mortal Kombat franchise, with Sub-Zero and Scorpion being the first of their kind. With multiple PSNs introduced over the years, Mortal Kombat 1 has introduced a new PSN in the form of the pink ninja, Floyd.

Check out some of his gameplay on Mortal Kombat:

Take note, Floyd is only a secret boss character and is not actually playable. Any footage of him being playable is only done by PC gamers through mods.

The introduction of Floyd in MK1 is essentially a callback to one of the OG video game easter eggs in the original Mortal Kombat. Before, players would get hints from a green PSN named Reptile who would challenge players to find him in-game; and following the clues leads to a boss fight.

For Floyd, there are several challenges that players have to complete to be able to get a fight with Floyd, and after defeating him, they’ll be able to unlock his stage as well as color swaps for the kameos of Scorpion and Sub-Zero.

Take note, the challenges are said to vary for every player, and it does look like there are only a limited number of challenges players can do per day. No definitive list has been made to unlock the fight with Floyd, but the fans are definitely charged up and are gathering all the information they can. It’s like the old days of Mortal Kombat again.

Mortal Kombat 1 is now playable for Xbox Series X|S, PC, PS5, and Nintendo Switch.


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