Marvel Rivals Available for Pre-Download on Steam

Marvel Rivals Available for Pre-Download on Steam

Marvel Rivals launches this week, and a lot of fans are excited for NetEase’s Overwatch clone. A lot of people are anxious to get their hands on the game, but PC players can be assured they can get started earlier than console players.

As per the official announcement, pre-download for Marvel Rivals is now available on Steam. Here’s the official post:

A lot of people in the thread have been asking for when the download for console will be available, but unfortunately, they may have to wait until launch day December 6. The same also goes for anyone looking for the game in the Epic Game Store.

With Rivals only being available for new-gen consoles, it would be expected that the game is going to require a lot of storage space, so being able to pre-download it would be a great bonus for everyone who wants to get their hands on the game immediately.

Unfortunately for non-Steam users, they’ll have to spend a good chunk of launch day just downloading and installing files before they can actually jump into the Chronoverse and start blowing things up.

Marvel Rivals has been on their closed beta for months now, and everyone has been watching content of new heroes and how they play in the game. Reviews for Rivals have also been great, and with the popularity of the IP, a lot are expecting that it will take a huge chunk of players away from Overwatch 2.

We’ll just have to wait and see what happens.

Marvel Rivals finally launches for PC, Xbox Series X|S, and PS5 on Dec. 6.


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