Harrison Ford was Very Supportive of Solo: A Star Wars Story

Harrison Ford was Very Supportive of Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Solo: A Star Wars Story may have not performed as expected in the box office, but the movie has earned a cult following among the fanbase and a lot of fans have been calling for Lucasfilm to #MakeSolo2Happen. While there are no official plans to make a sequel, director Ron Howard does say that fan affection could change the studios’ mind down the line; plus the movie already has the support of the OG Han Solo, Harrison Ford.

Talking to the Lights, Camera, Barstool podcast (via Star Wars News Net), Howard had said:

“Harrison Ford liked Solo and very much and was supportive when he saw it. He was so gracious and complimentary to Alden [Ehrenreich]. He said some things publicly but privately it was really great to see him put his hand on Alden’s shoulder and say ‘great job kid’, and Alden worked so hard and it was a very high-risk situation for him and he was a cool customer and was really a pleasure to work with, as was that entire cast, they are just a great bunch.”

Seeing that Harrison Ford is usually Star Wars’ biggest grump when it comes to the franchise, it’s great to think that he was being very supportive of Ehrenreich, who until now is being bashed by fans for not being Harrison Ford. Personally, I thought he really made the role his own and managed to give us a nice young Han Solo that could pass for the younger version of ANH’s more cynical Han. Though there aren’t any plans to #MakeSolo2Happen yet, Howard is being optimistic that fan support for Solo will eventually get Lucasfilm to reconsider.

In the meantime, catch the second season of The Mandalorian now on Disney+.


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