Grand Theft Auto VI: Can a $100 Price Tag be Good for the Industry?

Grand Theft Auto VI: Can a $100 Price Tag be Good for the Industry?

The gaming industry is currently at a huge low point, with several projects failing to meet expectations and studios closing left and right. With the impending release of Grand Theft Auto VI though, some are predicting that it could turn the tide for the industry—but gamers won’t like how it could do that.

In a recent report from analyst Matthew Ball, the high anticipation for the release of GTA VI could be used as a new precedent to have video games release at a $80-$100 price point. The idea is that GTA would set the new standard price for games, and other big studios would end up following with their releases.

One of the biggest problems with game development today is that games are now way harder to produce, yet they still come at the same $40 price range for decades; only recently did prices see a small $10 bump when games launched for the new-gen consoles like the PS5 and Xbox Series X|S.

Whereas studios could develop a hit game for a couple million dollars back in the 2000s, modern games now cost probably a hundred times more, requiring more people and developers—based on the new standard of modern video games.

Increasing the price tag could lead to a more stable industry, but the question is whether players will be able to bite that bullet in order for devs to keep making games in the future.

If anything, there are other ways for games to make money (like in-game purchases), but the rise in the price might be the most direct solution. For now, it’s not clear what Rockstar is going to do about Grand Theft Auto VI’s price point, but no doubt everyone is going to be looking at how the devs handle the release later this year.

Grand Theft Auto VI is expected to release sometime in 2025.

Source: Dexerto


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