11 Biggest Moments in ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6

11 Biggest Moments in ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6

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8. Daenerys is Unburnt (Again)

Enhanced Dany

The image of Daenerys emerging from the burning Dothraki tent unscathed and unclothed at the end of Episode 4 is one of the most epic scenes in Game of Thrones history. The moment came after she set fire to the Dothraki tent and the Khals within. This led to the Dothraki bowing before the Mother of Dragons and pledging their allegiance to their new Khaleesi.

With her army’s numbers greatly increased, this put Daenerys well and truly back in the game.

NEXT: A character we thought we’d never see again makes a return


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Kyle Butler is a music major gone writer for GeekFeed. When he's not working, he enjoys losing at video games and debating why Batman is superior to Superman.
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